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Outer or Inner Corner for Your Railing

When you order a railing from us, it’s essential to specify whether the corners of your railing are outer or inner corners.

Why We Need to Know the Corner Type

Understanding the type of corner is crucial for us because, in certain cases, we need to modify the dimensions of the sides based on whether it’s an outer or inner corner. This information is necessary to accurately calculate the dimensions of each component, ensuring that your final delivery aligns perfectly with your requirements.

We recognise that distinguishing between inner and outer corners can be challenging, so let’s clarify with some examples.

Understanding Railing Corners

When discussing corners, we always view them from the “inside” of the railing. Imagine you are standing within the area the railing will enclose. For a terrace or balcony, envision yourself standing on it. An outer corner will “point” outwards, away from you, while an inner corner vill “point” inwards, towards you.

´Outer and inner corner

For instance, consider a staircase needing railings along the sides of the stair opening. if side 1 ends at a wall and side 3 ends where the stairs descend, then side 1-2 forms an inner corner and side 2-3 forms an outer corner.

Corners Not at 90 Degrees

Remember, corners don’t have to be exactly 90 degrees to be classified as outside or inside corners.

The accompanying images from our measurement templates illustrate inner and outer corners for scenarios where the angles are not exactly 90 degrees.


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